The Gabriel BEBONBECHEM Foundation for Epilepsy & Mental Wellbeing (GBF) was conceived by Gabriel’s mother on Friday 8th August 2014 while on the painful and lonely Air France flight en route to Boston to retrieve and repatriate his mortal remains for burial in his village of origin, Lebang – Fontem, Lebialem. She reflected on Gabriel's talents and potentials that were largely un-utilised and his dreams that were un-achieved and the stigma and rejection that he endured as an epileptic and mentally ill her hurt was very profound and acute. She could only find solace if she can contribute towards the achievement of his dream posthumously as well as contribute towards the fight against all forms of stigma, rejection and abuses of epileptics and mentally ill from the social and medical systems whose victim Gabriel was.
312 Immeuble Bull Bonanjo P.O Box 12935, Douala Cameroon Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.